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Aasaan English

अंग्रेजी सीखने का सबसे आसान तरीका !

Useful Idoms & Pharases

idoms and phrases

Why you should join this course!

Our FREE course on English idioms is perfect for ESL/ESOL students who want to understand and use common idioms in English. It’s designed especially for students who already have a good grasp of English at an intermediate or advanced level.

Important Features Of This Course:
  1. Target Audience Clarification: The course is aimed at ESL/ESOL students who wish to comprehend and employ common English idioms. This clarifies the target audience and purpose of the course.

  2. Value Proposition: Emphasizes that the course is free, which adds value and appeal for potential learners.

  3. Content Focus: Focuses on English idioms, indicating the specific content covered in the course. This helps potential students understand what they will learn.

  4. Skill Level Requirement: Specifies that the course is suitable for students with a good grasp of English at an intermediate or advanced level. This sets expectations regarding the required proficiency level for optimal learning.

  5. Customization for Audience Needs: Mentions that the course is designed especially for ESL/ESOL students, indicating tailored content to address the specific needs and challenges of this demographic.

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